
My name is Dean James (from the sunny United Kingdom) and I want to welcome you to my website. I believe you are not here by accident and that all things happen for a reason. There is a reason you have arrived here and it’s my goal and vision to help you achieve all the success you ever dreamed of and live the kind of lifestyle that most people think is not possible, IF that’s what you want too.

And I’ve got your back no matter what it is you PERSONALLY WANT from your online business.

If you want MORE TIME and FREEDOM to do what you want I’m with you all the way.

And if you want all the BLING and to buy nice things, there’s nothing wrong with that either. There are no rules here and I certainly am not going to de-motivate you if you’re dream is to buy a top of the line Porsche and wear an expensive gold watch if that’s what makes you feel good.

You deserve whatever you want to have from putting the work in (and there is work involved — sorry to break that bit to you ;-)).

But if you just want loads of time, to walk around wearing flip-flops and feed chickens in your back garden, that’s totally cool as well.

This is about YOU being FREE to do whatever you like whilst running an online business and living the laptop lifestyle.

It’s about YOU being able to be YOU…. REALLY and TRULY without pretending to be a version of yourself that OTHERS want you to be.

I guess there’s one word for that and it’s … “LIBERATED”… where you can just go ahead and unlock your true potential and make no excuses for doing exactly that.

I started from scratch without any experience or special technical skills to achieve success online so know that’s if it’s possible for me it’s DEFINITELY possible for you.

The tools and products available to help you start an online business are so much more readily available to anyone wanting to get started now. You can quite literally get everything you need to start an online business even if you’re on a tight budget.

When I first started I didn’t even know about templates or site builders. I bought a book from a local PC store about HTML and wrote my first website using NOTEPAD (which is totally insane but I didn’t know any better at the time).

Before I started an online business, I used to work on an I.T Helpdesk taking calls all day, solving problems (I was a full time problem solver :)). I didn’t particularly like the job and how that shackled me to a 9-5 existence, but I DID enjoy helping people. This aspect of my ‘job’ is what I have carried forward into my business.

Don’t think I’m a ‘techie’ in the true sense of the word though – yes, my job in I.T. was technical but I’m not super technical when it comes to internet marketing. I’m a keep-it-simple kinda guy and I don’t like overly complicated ways of doing things when there’s a simple solution available.

Here is a picture of me at a marketing event (you may recognise the guy on the far left he’s a well-known marketer)…

Me enjoying a drink after an IM workshop ( Chris Freville, John R, Dean James )

Okay actually I AM in a pub in that photo but I WAS at a marketing event and the other people in that photo are people with online businesses 😉

My goal is to help like-minded, go-getting individuals achieve success so they can live the life they want for themselves and their family. This is very important to me; I had a grandfather that worked hard all his life to make his employer rich (over 50 years in the same job and he died with the equivalent of a few hundred dollars to his name). I would love to help YOU avoid a similar fate!

Life is too short to live a life of struggling and poverty… or even just having your time in the hands of an employer until the day you retire.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like you have all the pieces of the jigsaw in place as you read this because if you have the willingness to succeed and a burning desire deep down inside, you can do this.

You need to have passion and a willingness to overcome inevitable obstacles on your journey to success with your online business.

Any struggles you face right now are just going to make you stronger and increase your potential.

YOU can make a difference in the WORLD and I am here to help you achieve this. You can affect people’s lives in ways you possibly can’t imagine right now and I’m not talking about one or two people. I am talking about THOUSANDS or even millions.

Head towards your dream starting TODAY!

I look forward to getting to know you and I want to thank you for visiting my website. Please bookmark it and check back regularly – I will be adding lots of content to help you get up and running with your online business from product reviews, to tips and advice as well as the odd free thing you can grab that will help you out.

To help you get up and running even faster, here are 37 FREE IM tools you can use in your online business – starting today!

Free Book: 37 FREE IM TOOLS – Click HERE

Wishing you SUCCESS and a great year ahead!

– Dean James

by Dean James on April 24, 2009 · 1 comment

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Force Factor July 24, 2010 at 2:57 am

Hi there! I surfed to your blog when i was on Bing researching a few current Twitter trends to find what has been popular recently. Hung around a bit to check things out and browse some of your posts… wonderful stuff. I’ll make sure that I get about again some time within the next couple of months.

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